Friday, September 26, 2008

Learning Photoshop

I feel like I made some significant steps forward this week in learning Photoshop. I took this picture while I was on the Cape in Yarmouth. The picture started out pretty mediocre. The foreground was way too dark and the sky was too light, so I tried merging two photos together for the first time which was really exciting. I opened the same image twice in Photoshop, adjusted the images, then overlayed them. I used the eraser to take out the foreground on one and with a little more adjustment it came out like you see it here. I still would like to open up the shadows in the foreground which Frank said he would help me with, but I really look forward to what I will do next. It really is incredible the things you can do with Photoshop.

Once everything was done on this photo I like it a lot more. I have always like photos where the sunlight pierces through the clouds and I think the dark rolling clouds in this photo make the sky more impressive. I also liked this location because of the long boardwalk that seems to stretch on forever. It is a place that I look forward to visiting again at different times of the year to see how it changes.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Town Fair

This is my first official post for my Intro to Digital Photo class and things are going pretty well so far. My love for computers hasn't increased much as it always seems like I have to do the same thing several times to get it right, but it is very satisfying when it is right and coming out of the printer. This picture may not be quite there, but I do like it because it was a cool moment when I saw it. It was taken at the Sterling Fair which I have gone to almost every year since I was born. The way the light came in and was shining through the jars of honey cast a really beautiful glow on the table and the award ribbons on them really stood out to me from across the exhibit tent. There are still a number of things I would like to do to this photo, but I need to learn how to do them first. Maybe once I get this worked up just so I will re-post it. I will try to post on this blog several times a week and please let me know what you think as I do.

Friday, September 12, 2008

First Post

This is my first blog that I have created for my Intro to Digital Photography class. I'm looking forward to trying this out, but as I am new at all this please bear with me.